“Book 1: My Charmed Ones!”
By: (Mister) Jimmie Ray Giboney.
6: “Angel: Charmed × 2!”
There was a moment of silence that was broken when the green Lorne said,
“Are we being Punked?” That was a reference to the Ashton Kutcher reality
series “Punk’d” involving pranks
against celebrities by celebrities that was of course inspired by Alan Funt’s
classic “Candid Camera”. But if they
were being pranked for any television program or theatrical movie, where would
the cameras be? They would need a light source! Until the flashlight users
arrived, it was dark. But Lorne was being serious. He had a point, and not just
on the tip of a horn on his head either.
This looked to good to be true! It looked incredible! Which it was,
unless you believe in Magic, which Lorne wasn’t thinking about.
The two versions of Harmony were suddenly shoved away from each other
when out of the blackness, three more Human females dropped downwards, hitting
the concrete hard! The Harmony dressed in the sexy, white, business dress, was
barely caught by her startled teammates. The Harmony dressed in her own
superheroine costume, stopped herself mid-flight. That was one way to tell the
two teams apart. The females-only team was dressed like comic book
superheroines, masks and all. (Some had skirts, all micro-minis. Some pants,
with some short, some long. The long pants form fitting. The shorts, short
enough to show butts, but not crotches.) The other team wasn’t. Plus they had
males involved. That team had no pregnancies. But some on the all-female team
looked to be pregnant. But not in an ugly way, or fat way. They were tight,
almost looking like they may be faking it! Unlike Piper.
The Piper who along with Sister Phoebe and Half-Sister Paige, was
hitting hard on the concrete floor of the tunnel. After many instances of being
smacked across rooms, and down hallways, they were used to the concept, even if
they didn’t like it. This pregnant Piper wasn’t showing yet. Or if she were, it
was just barely noticeable, if compared to her non-pregnant siblings. She
wasn’t developed far along enough for the baby to protect her with his own
Magic powers. Like when she was pregnant with Wyatt. Piper and Cole got into a
fight, that didn’t harm them, but there was plenty of collateral damage to the
house so her husband Leo had to break them up.
The Halliwell Sisters hit the floor apart, with no one breaking
another’s fall. But on the plus side, after plenty of experience, ironically
none of it in roller derby rinks, they landed like falling skaters. Butts
first, legs spread out, arms forward reaching over their extended legs. If they
had more time, Phoebe could have used her Levitation Power to break her fall.
Paige could have used her Orbing Power, while Piper could have used her Time
Freeze Power to break her fall. But the vortex was not wide. They had looked
like they were shrunken when they were being absorbed in. When the vortex
deposited them, they looked like they had expanded in mid-air, after being
squirted out like they had come from a giant, cake-icing dispenser squeeze
Like the kind professional bakers and/or chefs use. Or you could be mean
spirited and say they looked like some giant, black beast, had defecated them
out, but you are not that mean spirited are you? Their butts hurt, and they all
three loudly exclaimed their sudden impact pains. They sat there practically
motionless, recovering from their ordeal, and getting their breaths back.
Floating Harmony came down to their aid. Fallen and then caught Harmony,
and her teammates had yelped varying terms of astonishment, with Spike’s
“Bloody Hell!” being the loudest. The tunnel was crowded by three more bodies.
Flashlights had been dropped, in order to catch Harmony. The flashlights didn’t
break, but they had bounced and rolled, so their beams were at strange angles
to the scene. So the three beams of light were no longer concentrated on the
center of the action. Causing some more gasps, some cussing, and some cursing
from the same team. Harmony’s backwards fall had exposed her panties to the
others, across the way that could still see everything that was going on.
Including the floating, or hovering, Harmony as she flew down to help with the
new drop-ins. This distracted her enough that she paused to gawk.
Actually her husband had done the pausing for them. Not that Princess
Harmony could blame him. But there were damsels in distress who needed help!
Right? Her husband loved beauty, especially the sexy kind. But he was not a
wife swapper, or a trespasser. He could and did accept duplications, but only
if they were not with another guy. They had to be single in all connotations of
the word. So his pause, gave her pause, and she noticed who the three new
arrivals looked like! Uh, oh! Now not only were there two of her here, there
were three more of the Charmed Ones here! Golly! Only three? Why only three?
Shouldn’t there be a fourth one and a fifth one? If there was going to be more of
them why not have the whole set?
Miss Harmony was unaware of her having flashed her panties to a whole
lot of women. But she was indignant about having been knocked off of her feet.
At least she was caught so her butt didn’t impact on anything, thus saving her
dress from possible ruin. Spike’s shouting in her ear of “Bloody Hell!” didn’t
help her feel any better though. He had been so loud, she wasn’t sure if Angel
or Wesley had said anything either. The “Old One”, Illyria, hadn’t moved a
muscle to help, nor had she said anything either, not even in exclamation. She
was just standing there, like she had no place else to be, and nothing else to
do. Lorne had reacted in conjunction with Angel, to catch her and break her
possible body slam. But he hadn’t said anything new, as if he were expecting an
answer to his previous query about a possible link to that cute Ashton Kutcher.
As the men got back to their feet, from a knees bent position, so too was
Harmony lifted back to her feet.
The Illyria the Old One, in Fred’s body, apparently came to a decision.
She gestured, and a visible, albeit translucent, force shield appeared in front
of their group. The doppelgangers were now separated from them. Harmony thought
this was a positive checkmark on the proverbial list. Maybe their version of
Fred was doing this in reaction to the sexier Winifred on the other side?
Miss Harmony had a secret, sexual fantasy involving making out with
herself, and maybe this would save her from such a temptation? She had seen
that installment of “The Jerry Springer
Show” about identical twins who had sexual relations with each other and
thought of it as an “advanced form of masturbation”. She had been suspicious
about such activities, because of certain videos made by “Playboy Video” that
she had seen on display in various video shops about the city. Her curiosity
had been aroused, for as one aware of Magic, the situation could very well come
up. Sure enough, she had met her double! There was the temptation factor!
So maybe for now, the force shield was a good idea. She wanted to do
right by her boss, Angel. He had been very good for her a lot lately. Her boss
Angel said, “Good thinking!” to the “Old One” known as “Illyria” too. Albeit no
one seemed to want to say much, just yet.
Piper, Phoebe, and Paige got their breaths back, and carefully regained
their self-composure even as they carefully, slowly, regained their feet to a
standing upright position. They used their hands to dust themselves and each
other off. If Paige had thought of it, she could have removed the dust by saying,
“Dust!” But it was more fun to watch them, to see them using the hands-on
approach. They groaned and moaned too. They took stock of their new situation.
In unison the three of them said, “Oh, crap!” The one being addressed as
“Phoebe” had a short hair-style. Another noticeable difference. The three of
them looked up to where they had fallen from. The one addressed as “Piper”, at
least she matched their “Piper” name wise. She said, “Wyatt! Wyatt, sweetie! That
was cute! But Mommy needs for you to bring us back to you now! Sweetie!
Sweetie?!” They could tell by her behavior, inflections, and tone, that she was
addressing a baby.
She didn’t get what she wanted though. Instead, the baby named “Wyatt”
appeared in her arms with a shower of sparkling blue and white light! The
baby’s mother Piper said, “Oh, dear! Wyatt! What have you gotten us into now?!”
while Phoebe and Paige said, “Crap!” in unison. Piper was holding Wyatt close
to her, protectively, while trying to gently chide him, and get him to
understand what it was he had apparently done to himself and to his mother and
aunts. She looked up at her sisters with a smirk on her face though, because of
the pun! They were in a sewer system! Albeit there didn’t seem to be any actual
crap involved thus far. (Of course not! Storm sewers and septic sewers are two
different systems in modern cities!)
Wyatt was so cute! He must have been irresistible as the superheroic
looking women suddenly rushed in asking Piper if they could admire him, saying
the usual lines about cute babies, and such. It never seemed to fail! Bring a
cute baby into almost any situation and people had to come and see it, and to
coo at it. If they could tell she was pregnant again, they may start to rub her
belly! Those behind the force shield seemed to be content where they were, for
now. Was that a good sign? Phoebe and Paige, acted like they were her personal
bodyguards, trying to keep paparazzi away from her and Wyatt in front to the
“Emmy Awards Show”, while on the red carpet.
Meanwhile, Princess Prue, Princess Piper, Princess Paige, and Princess
Pepper Ann, having been affected too, were trying to get a close-up look at the
cute baby. Then what could only be described as the sound of a lot of female
butts in Magical outfits, being gently swatted by male hands all at once,
occurred, and the women with the affected butts backed away from the
Halliwell-Matthews team of Charmed Ones. The ones not swatted could still
appreciate the sound though, and they all looked around for the source or cause
of it, and found nothing detectable to them, not even to the Old One also known
as “Illyria”.
Then as if obligated to appease some admiring fans watching from afar,
Miss Harmony, she asked for the shield to be let down. The guys mumbled a
debate, and then Angel approved of her request. Harmony stepped forward and
went directly to her almost look alike. “Almost”, as she couldn’t help but
notice the larger breasts, that looked like they were engorged with breastmilk,
possibly. Then she formally introduced herself, handshake and all. She then
said, “Harmony! May I hug you?” and before she could go off on an exposition
tangent to explain why, she got to do the hug she asked for, and when the hug
was over there was some breastmilk involved!
What’s the next thing you know? Well, besides knowing that old Jed’s a
millionaire, now you know that the others had to do the same with their
duplicates! I.e., Princess Winifred and the Old One Illyria. Princess Winifred
had to do the walking, as the Old One Illyria wasn’t moving anywhere without
Wesley beside her. When Princess Piper met Witch Piper, and they hugged, they
both had breastmilk issues. When Princess Paige and Witch Phoebe hugged, it was
one sided, with Princess Paige being the only lactating one. Then when Witch Paige
and Princess Pepper Ann hugged, it was the same way as Princess Pepper Ann got
Witch Paige wet!
Then Princess Prue stepped forward, as did Princess Phoebe. They asked
in unison, “Where are our doppelgangers? Why don’t we have anyone to meet,
greet, and hug?”
While this was going on, the guys had decided to go introduce themselves
to Princess Buffy Anne, or “Buffy II”, Princess Faith, Princess Willow,
Princess Amy, and Princess Dawn as well. But especially to Princess Cordelia,
Princess, Anya, and Princess Tara, who had been dead to them. They wanted to
hug Princess Winifred too! But she was with the Old One Illyria still.
Meanwhile, all of the scents from the breastmilk spots were having an affect on
Baby Wyatt, who was thinking it was time to drink! Which he indicated by
grabbing his mother’s breasts to let her know that he was thirsty again!
But the hug festival halted suddenly, leaving Baby Wyatt’s hand sounds
as the only audible sounds, as he tried to access his mother’s two feeding
outlets on his own. No one seemed to care, because of the sudden detectable
sadness of Princess Prue and Princess Phoebe’s questions. There was a dramatic
pause. Baby Wyatt had found a nipple and began to suckle, all on his own
initiative. But no one noticed. The affect of his comic relief, though
unintended for his part, was wasted thusly.
Witch Piper, Witch Phoebe, and Witch Paige, explained as a team, the
circumstances of their Witch Prudence’s death. Seeing this Princess Prue alive,
meant a lot to them. Especially to Witch Paige, who had only met Witch Pru as a
dog, and as a young, little girl, thanks to time travel. Not to mention having
only photographs to see her face by. They had dealt with Princess Prue first,
as they had no idea who the other “Phoebe” was! So it was their turn to listen
as they were told about the whole fraternal twins issue, or matter, or concept.
Which sort of explained it, but then they had to compare notes on, “The Power
of Three” versus “The Power of Five”. Witch Paige also noticed that unlike with
herself, her doppelganger, named “Princess Pepper Ann”, had kept her larger
When she brought it up, and asked how she could maneuver as well with
them, Princess Pepper Ann said that she had not used a Magic Spell to enlarge
her breasts. Pregnancy had done it for her. But then Witch Paige said, “Yeah,
but I mean, taking that into consideration.” And Princess Pepper Ann said that
she had always had larger breasts than her schoolmates, ever since she hit
puberty. Witch Paige puzzled on that for a while. It would be in the back of
her mind from then on, until later circumstances would remove it from her mind
Meanwhile, Angel, Wesley, Spike, and Lorne, had to deal with explaining
the deaths of their Miss Buffy, and Miss Buffy returning from the dead more
than once. How Miss Amy had been a caged rat for some time. How Miss Faith had
been comatose, but recovered. How Miss Willow had become a ghost, and met her
vampiress, alternate reality self. How she had gone Dark, and returned. But what
was worse, was telling them that Miss Tara died, Miss Anya died, and Miss
Cordelia died, and had not been able to come back like Miss Buffy.
The three Princesses thought that was most unfair! Then the Goddess
Glorificus and Miss Dawn were brought up, as was Mistress Joyce Summers. There
were mutual exchanges of looks, as one side learned of the divorce of the
Summers, and then of Goddess Glorificus’ pursuit of Miss Dawn, and of Goddess
Glorificus’ death while in her brother Ben’s body. Then of how Mistress Joyce
Summers had a brain tumor, and had died from surgical complications after she
checked herself out and went home against doctor’s advice. Of how Miss Buffy
had sacrificed herself to save her little sister, and so on and so forth. Then
Angel, Wesley, and Spike listened. They heard, or learned, that the “parental
Summers” had never divorced, and that Mistress Joyce Summers was still alive,
which made them all happy to hear! Then they learned that in this alternate
scenario world, Princess Glory and her brother Ben had never been fused into
one being. Princess Glory had never been evil! Instead, her brother Ben had
been the evil one! This was too bad, as males were a rarity these days. Yes, it
was still Prince Rupert Giles who had the opportunity to kill Ben by breaking
his neck! Princess Glory was a goddess, but not an evil one, and she still had
her keys intact, and Princess Dawn was not one of them! Princess Glory wasn’t here, because she
was a “shy goddess” when it came to “divine intervention”. Angel and Spike,
they tensed as they waited to hear the next questions answered, about who did
Angel and Spike…..
Princess Buffy Anne Dragon, or Princess Buffy Anne Free Spirit, also
simply known as “Buffy II”, she said to Angel and Spike, “Who do you guys do it
with? Your respective wives of course. Should I be suspicious about something
here?” And then shyly, Angel and Spike explained their tumultuous relationship
triangle. This Buffy II looked like she emotionally wanted to vomit, but wasn’t
biologically able to do so! Once she recovered, Angel and Spike were told
names. Angel had been bitten by a Vampiress Darla, who sired him into a
vampire. Then the two of them had made a poor girl named Miss Drusilla, a
vampiress. Vampiress Drusilla, she then turned Master William into a vampire,
and changed his name to “Spike”, because he had used a railroad spike to
torture a man with. Well, so far this wasn’t news to either vampire, Angel or
Princess Buffy Anne continued her narrative flow saying, “The four had
ravaged Old World Europe, feeding on innocent people as needed, and then some.
Then the Twentieth Century arrived, and in the Nineteen-Thirties, the ‘Golden
Age of Super-Heroics’ had begun. So the four of them avoided the Western
Hemisphere, since so-called ‘Mystery Men’ had begun in the United States of
America. The Lone Ranger, Tonto, and Zorro had appeared in the Nineteenth
Century actually. But then such men as they didn’t appear again until the
middle of the Nineteen-Thirties. Well, okay Tarzan was in Africa, not the
Americas. Still the majority of super-heroes was North American, or came to
North America from elsewhere. The ‘Justice Society of America’, was the most
famous example of a group of them.” Spike interrupted her then, and he could
tell she didn’t like being interrupted when she was in exposition mode. Spike said, “What about Captain Nemo
and the Nautilus crew and his
colleagues? Didn’t they start in the Nineteenth-Century too?” Princess Buffy
Anne seemed impressed with him as she said, “Well, yes ‘The League of
Extraordinary Gentlemen’ began at the turn of the last century. Could you
please not interrupt the narrative flow, though?!”
The women had been taking turns answering the men’s many questions.
That’s because, Angel realized suddenly, they were behaving as equals! This
“Princess Buffy Anne” wasn’t acting as the group leader, like the Miss Buffy
that he and Spike were used to dealing with. But why was she talking about
fictional characters as if they were real? Spike was teasing them by his random
name dropping of these characters. Angel thought Xander was the only one with
so much comic book trivia in his head! Well, this was a different side of
Spike! As Spock would say,
Angel thought about how he was in love with Buffy and Cordelia. How
Spike claimed he was in love with Buffy, if not Harmony. Maybe Harmony? Angel
and Spike, at the moment, both were trying not to drool, as they tried not to
stare at how the women were dressed! Buffy’s black boots were long! So long that
there wasn’t any room for pants, short or long. She had the so-called
“camel-toe” look happening for her! Ironically her outfit was like
Vampirella’s, just not as skimpy. Also, don’t forget the boots. Mustn’t forget
the boots! Oh, look! Fishnet leggings too! She looked so yummy with her hair up
like that! She didn’t wear a mask, and he found that interesting. But he didn’t
ask why not. Maybe he’d do that later.
Figure 1: Princess Buffy Anne in her Superheroine garb. Hair up & hair down! (Notice that she does have two styles here. One with laces in front, one without.) |
He also couldn’t
help but notice, that this Princess Buffy Anne’s skin was blemish free!
Now how could they
arrange for that without using make-up cosmetics? Aha! The soles on her boots,
and the high heals boosted her height a few inches, but how did she walk, let
alone run at Superspeed while wearing them? She must truly be something! He was
tempted to pull her strings and see what she’d do about it! Part of him thought
he must be under the influence of her pheromones or something. Part of him
didn’t care at all! Wait a second! Did she have pieced ear lobes?! She must not
have Invulnerability then! She probably still had her Super-Strength though.
He’d better not tempt his fate any longer!
Angel decided that
Spike had had enough fun. It was time to get back on track! So he tapped
Spike’s shoulder to signal that he should stop with the digression. Spike
stopped dropping names, even though he had learned quite a lot by doing so.
Coincidently enough, it was Princess Cordelia’s turn to speak again. Angel
asked who his counterpart was with, not quite knowing how to ask such a
personal question about himself, knowing himself as he did! Princess Cordelia
said that Prince Angel was playing in a celebrity invitational golf tournament
hosted by Lord Lorne Kravelorneswath, formerly of the Deathwok Clan of Planet
Pylea. Angel thought that was interesting, but instead of digressing with a
follow-up, he clarified his question’s intent. So he said, “Cordelia, what…”
She held up a finger and corrected him when she said, “Please, it’s always
‘Princess Cordelia’! Now continue!” Angel cleared his throat to swallow his
pride. He started again, “Princess Cordelia, what I meant was. Who is your
version of me romantically involved with now? Who is Spike romantically
involved with now, for that matter?” and Spike nodded in agreement as Angel
pointed at him. Then Spike said, “That’s right! Who are we shagging with?!”
Princess Cordelia replied, “If you mean, right now? None of us, I can assure
you of that much!” Spike guffawed
as Angel mumbled to Spike, “Ah, she sure reminds me of our dearly departed
Princess Cordelia
said, “Hey, I heard that! Whispering in mumbles won’t help you! We have
Super-Hearing just like Supergirl you know!” Well, they didn’t know that
already at all!
Princess Willow
felt prompted to speak at that point, when Spike’s guffaw subsided. So she
said, “Angel! Your counterpart, Prince Angel Liam Angelus the First, is married
to Princess Dreamy Despair Dragon, also known as Princess Dream Despair Free
Spirit, depending on whose real estate you happen to be on. If you are with the
Lord Emperor and Lady Empress, it is the latter form of address. If you are
with my Lord Husband, then the former is apt. It’s complicated I know.
It takes some
getting used too, believe me, I know! Sometimes I get my own name confused! But
they say I’m too cute to be disappointed with, pat me on my head, and then let
be ramble on like I’m doing now. Uh, that would be the Lord Emperor and Lady
Empress, not my Lord Husband! Do you think I ramble too much? Hey, does your
Miss Willow ramble too? Oh, but that’s not important now. Uh, okay. You have
the daughter of Princess Death and her Lord Husband who is also mine. Princess
Dreamy Despair is your Primary Wife in your, rather his… No. Wait! Your
counterpart who is from where I’m from! He has a Harem-Bevy of eighteen wives,
okay! Princess Dreamy is Wife One, the Primary Wife! But your counterpart also
happens to have his very own Princess Darla! The same one Princess Buffy Anne
was trying to tell you about! That
Princess Darla is your Secondary Wife. Spike! Your counterpart has a Harem-Bevy
as well! He is known as, ‘Prince William the Bloody Spike, the First’! His
Primary Wife is, Princess Happy Gay Dragon, daughter of Princess Delight
Delirium and our Lord Husband. Princess Delight is Princess Death’s younger
sister. Prince William’s Secondary Wife is his version of Princess Drusilla,
who is the same one Princess Buffy Anne was trying to tell you about. Prince
William’s Wives number at twenty-five!”
Spike smiled upon
hearing that his counterpart bested Angel’s counterpart at something! Angel
also seemed to get that take on it too. Princess Anya said, “I take it by your
attitudes that you come from a monogamous society. Well, we aren’t. Ours is a
polygamist society. Polygamy was never outlawed here. Monogamy and Polygamy
were options that coexisted until Monogamy became obsolete, as it was no longer
practical. It became impractical because of three wars. World War III nearly
devastated our world, our planet. But due to some interventions, or
interference depending on who you ask, the World was sort of restored. Some
Mystical Entities had decided to use Humanity as an experiment. The experiment
was noted by some Omnipotent Entities, who out of curiosity came to our world
to see what was going on. They didn’t like what they saw.”
Princess Anya
continued by saying, “So what has been dubbed as another ‘War of the Gods’
ensued, with the Omnipotent Entities winning and the Mystical Entities
loosing.” She stopped there with her story and Princess Harmony continued on by
saying, “But while they were warring, here on Planet Earth. Well, let me
clarify that! On our version of Planet Earth, what had begun as a ‘Battle of
the Sexes’ in the sports world, eventually became an all out Gender War. Both
wars climaxed at the same time. No pun intended! The Females won the Gender
War! Hence the downfall of Monogamy. From a population of six billion Humans,
plus or minus a few million or so, before World War III, to an unknown amount
that was less than six billion, but more than one million. There has yet to be
an accurate census, because a lot of people went into hiding and have yet to
come out from wherever they hid out at. When the Mystic Entities intervened,
they repopulated our Planet Earth, Our World, with creatures previously
designated as either ‘mythical’, ‘supernatural’, or at least ‘paranormal’, to
see how well they could get along with us surviving Humans. Humans, who had
been using Magic secretly, were thrilled at first. But then we learned that
Humans were being used as cattle by more powerful lifeforms, but that we think
of as primitive, like Demons, Dragons, et cetera.”
Angel, Spike, and
the rest of their team, had become entranced by Princess Willow and the other
speakers, and casual chit-chat had ended. The Halliwells were listening in as
well. The Old One Illyria was curious too, since she deduced that she may have
been classified as a “Mystical Entity”. So she was paying close attention to
Princess Harmony’s narrative. The Harem-Bevy had quit taking turns, Princess
Harmony had the floor. What Angel and his side didn’t realize was that Princess
Harmony had the power to induce harmony into a situation and she was using it
now. Even the second set of Charmed Ones were listening to Princess Harmony.
But wouldn’t you
know it! Princess Harmony had just gotten everyone’s undivided attention, as
her narrative flow was becoming an epic. Their mission, or quest, or chore, or
task, forgotten for the moment. Making them appear to be vulnerable. They had
thought that they had discovered another interdimensional and temporal nexus
point., which allowed people from alternate realities to crossover and maybe
meet their counterparts. So of course they felt like they had time to spare for
idle pleasantries. Like the one they were engaged in now. But as it turns out,
Firecracker had been correct about the new Hellmouth!
The End of Chapter Six!